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End of 2022, I joined Pioneers to serve in Latin America as an international missionary. In July of 2023, I joined a team ministering to a community in the highlands of Peru who do not know the gospel of Jesus. Through the empowering grace of God and with the partnership of the local church, our desire is to plant self-sustaining churches within each town filled with local Peruvian Christians who know God and obey His Word. If you would like to follow my journey with the Lord, please subscribe to my email newsletter below. May Jesus be forever glorified!

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Curious how God called me to international missions?

Click here to read my blog testifying about the beginnings of my missional journey with Jesus to the nations!

Want to read previous newsletters?

Click on the link below to read past newsletters describing what God has done so far during this missional journey:


Q. Where are you going?
A. I am going to a rural area in the Andes mountains of southern Peru. 

Q. Who are you going with?
A. The organization is Pioneers, and my mission team's name is Andes Light Team (or A.L.T. for short). 

Q. How long will you be gone?
A. I have committed to at least 3 years with the A.L.T. However, this has been a calling from the Lord since I was 15 years old, so I am hoping that this missional journey will last much longer!

Q. What will you be doing?
A. The main goal is to plant self-sustaining churches in the Carumas valley. This will involve a lot of discipleship, which might look different depending on the spiritual needs for each one. 

Q. Will you ever visit the States?
A. At some point. However, I cannot make any promises on when that will be. 

Q. How can I communicate with you?
A. You are able to reply to my newsletters. Also, if you are friends with me on Facebook, you can message me there. Another option is sending me an email at Unfortunately, I will not be able to receive letter mail where I am going. 

Q. Is there any way I can help you? 
A. PRAY! That is the best way you can help me, my team, and the ministry the Lord has called us to do in Peru. Other ways to help can be through financial support, words of encouragement, and sending me worship song suggestions. 


***Last update: June 5, 2024***

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