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Madly in love with you

A few days ago, I was driving back to Gainesville from my hometown. While home, I had found some old CDs and decided to listen to them during the three hour long car ride. During the first hour or so, I started my trip by listening to an old worship CD my sister had made years ago. I had just finished the CD and was going to change it, but then I decided to listen to the first song (Madly In Love With You) again because it is one of my old time favorites.

Suddenly, a grey car unintentionally (at least, from my perspective) cut off a black car. To my horror, this action pissed off the black car driver who then proceeded to attack the grey car by pulling in front of him, slamming on his brakes almost causing numerous collisions, and not letting him pass. Several times, these two vehicles were inches away from crashing into each other, and I happened to be right behind them witnessing the whole thing. I was terrified and was yelling out loud "No, stop it, stop it, stop it! Leave him alone (meaning the grey car driver)!" Eventually, they swerved up ahead, and the grey car got away and passed some other cars ahead of me. *Phew* Finally, the chaos had ended, and I thought everything was okay.

A few moments later though, the other cars had their brake lights on, and I knew they had crashed... Sure enough, the two cars and a couple of other vehicles were damaged and scattered along the sides of the highway. As I and others slowly passed them, I saw the grey car fully turned around facing me with its whole front left side crushed. The driver, whom I witnessed making facial expressions of pain, had just managed to pull the car out of the highway. Looking around, I spotted the black car on the other side of the road only dented and the driver getting out and attempting to walk towards the grey car.

As I drove on, I had mixed feelings of fear (because I knew I could have easily been one of those crashed vehicles) and anger (at the black car driver for starting it in the first place and not getting the brunt end of the damage done) and many questions running 100 mph in my head. Some of those questions were, "Why did the grey car driver get punished more for the black car driver's mistake? Why didn't You give justice to the incident, God? Why is mankind so mean and does things that ultimately lead to destruction and death?"

I was still in shock and noticed that my dad had recently called me. I immediately called him back telling him the whole story. Having him listen to me helped calm me down, and I drove on for a bit longer. Still thinking about the incident, I decided to replay that first song I had been listening to before chaos had taken my full attention. When the second verse started, the words began to impact my heart in a incredible way:

"I know that you’re waiting for, A chance to come in from the war If only a moment, if only a day A place where you feel safe and warm A sanctuary from the storm Until all of these questions fade away But I cannot count on all the signs You’ve passed away as mere coincidence And I'm running out of ways to break through Like a lonely lover, Waiting by the ocean I'll never give up on you"

At that moment, when those words finished entering my ears and heart, I could only do one thing: I smiled. How could I possibly be smiling after almost ending up in a freak accident? Because, using that song, Jesus wrecked my heart (pun intended) with His peace and love. Despite the chaos in this world, the war, the anger, the storms, and the questions, Jesus loves us so dearly. In that moment, when all I could see was the chaos and faults in humanity, He was demonstrating His love for me by protecting me and sparing me from an accident. It was not a coincidence that I was not hit. It was Jesus! What a loving Father we have! A lonely lover who will NEVER give up on me, who will NEVER give up on you!

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