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It's okay to be sad...

Today, I was looking back in my first journal I wrote in from January 14, 2017 to January 14, 2018. My last journal entry caught my eye, and, after reading it, I thought I should share it on here:

Dear Em,

Today, you woke up sad and depressed which makes you think that nothing has changed over a year of time. But that's the beauty of it. It's okay to be sad, to be depressed, to be broken because Jesus loves you despite your brokenness. You were/are/will never be perfect until that glorious day when you see Jesus face to face. You are to be the girl with a broken, happy heart.

Until then, remember Him and what He has done. Remember gaining your life again (your scar), remember your loving family, remember your six sisters in Christ, remember your gentleman, remember Jesus and His arms ready to embrace you at any moment, remember the joy He has given you in running towards Him for His glory, and, most importantly, remember that your Father loves you with an unconditional love (no matter how you feel)!

The journey has only begun, my friend, so live life to the fullest. God bless <3



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