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Why Are You Downcast, O My Soul?

Honestly, this blog is scary to me. The reason is because I am sharing with y'all a song I wrote at the beginning of this month. I am not a singer nor a musician. However, I enjoy singing and have quickly grown to love and appreciate playing the guitar.

On the morning of November 6th, I woke up and had some quiet time with Jesus. My mind was wandering, and I thought about how I wanted to write a song. This was not the first time I have wanted to do this. I had already written two parodies prior to this within recent months. However, this time I wanted to write my own, original song. Then, God put an idea in my head, and, within 30 minutes, I had written a whole song based on Psalms 42!

Prior to this evening, I have only shown the lyrics to my sister (mainly because she loves Psalm 42 and has created several of her own songs on the guitar). I had told a handful of people that I had written my own song with cords and all, but no one has ever heard it. Until now.

There is a reason why I am sharing it now. The message of this song, of Psalm 42, is that you are not alone. Life can suck, people can turn on you, your daydreams can turn into nightmares, but that does not change the fact that Jesus still loves you and cares about your heart, your feelings, and the breath you just inhaled while reading this.

Yesterday evening, my heart burdened for those whose hearts are hurting. All of my closest friends have shared with me a time(s) they have been broken to the point of despair. Some of those friends are hurting right now. Tonight, I want them to know that they are loved, wanted, and enough. I want them to continue to trust God, no matter what.

If you are alone, if you are hurting, if you need someone to tell you, "Keep fighting the good fight!", this song I wrote is for you.

"Why Are You Downcast, O My Soul? (Psalm 42)"

[Verse 1]

I see him there hangin with his friends

He’s in the crowd, but he’s all alone

He says goodbye with no reply

Heading downtown with headphones on

He’s trying to move on to forget the past

But how can he after where he’s been?

[Chorus 1]

Why are you downcast, O my soul?

Why so disturbed within me?

Put your hope in God

For I will yet praise Him,

My Savior and my God.

[Verse 2]

I see her there alone in her room,

Shedding tears from the pain within,

Holding a knife to ease the night.

She loathes herself, shape, soul, and mind.

Her friends have turned, but their words remain.

She wonders how to do the same.

[Chorus 1]

Why are you downcast, O my soul?

Why so disturbed within me?

Put your hope in God

For I will yet praise Him,

My Savior and my God.


Oh, I used to be so strong,

Leading processions to Your Holy throne,

But now I’m a mockery, a foul, a joke.

They shame me asking, “Where’s your God?”

I ask my God, “Have You forgotten me?”

When I hear His voice, oh His sweet sweet voice.

Saying, “don’t lose hope, my precious child.

You’re not alone in this fight.

For I have already won the war.

I have already won your war!”

[Chorus 2]

So don’t be downcast, O my soul!

Don’t be disturbed within me!

I put my hope in God

And I will yet praise Him,

My Savior and my God!

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